Cait & Ryan were living a hectic life… They had recently established themselves in Nova Scotia and their business was growing fast. With a new baby in tow they decided they needed some help in administering, streamlining and developing their business in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Initially, they were looking for a Bookkeeper to help them to ensure that they were keeping their books up to date correctly.  SME Business Solutions got in touch and within a matter of weeks, Nicole Hubley had delved into their finances, helped them to organize their books correctly and had taken over the administration of various bookkeeping tasks to help them while their business (and their baby) grew.

Legal Advice
Cait and Ryan wanted to move their business to the next level and look into incorporating.  There were also some outstanding issues with an old client in Quebec; so advice was required as to whether pursuing old debts was feasible, as well as outlining a new contract with a potential partner in New Brunswick.  SME Business Solutions put them in touch with one of our Preferred Legal Partners and the issues were identified & resolved efficiently and effectively.

As part of the reorganization and optimization of their accounting processes, a CPA with experience in helping Sole Proprietorships to incorporate, as well as year-end procedures and declarations was required.  Tyler Dougan is one of SME Business Solutions’ CPAs and was well placed to help Cait and Ryan with his significant experience in the construction sector.

Web Design
Cait and Ryan’s business was growing fast and some elements of their business were prioritized over others,.. such as their web presence.  David Thomson was chosen as SME Business Solutions’ most appropriate Web Specialist; he helped them to identify the web style that they were looking for and implement a website that reflected the quality and image that they were looking for in a cost-effective manner.

Now looking for funding to grow the business, Cait and Ryan worked with Liam to understand the financial implications of various funding options and are currently evaluating how to develop the business in the Summer/Fall of 2019.

The relationship between Stone Hammer Homes and SME Business Solutions is managed by Liam Tayler who advises on general business strategy, funding options and who identifies and manages the relationship between them and their SME Solutions’ specialists.

For other case studies and testimonials, click here: Testimonials